Thursday, January 15, 2009


The actions of the world have a tendency to get in the way of more pleasant topics. Some of the things running through my brain are: 1) why is genocide only wrong when it involves Jewish people; 2) isn't there something inherently wrong with a political philosophy that defines manifest destiny as anywhere someone Jewish may have urinated at any time is part of Israel; 3) are the Zionists really angry because the Palestinians refuse to walk into ovens or is it really just more fun to murder unarmed civilians, especially babies being held by their mothers?

If you take out the indoctrination of the past decades and approach Israel's actions in an unbiased way, you can only come to the conclusion that Israel is a rogue nation that has no desire to live peacefully with any Arab country. Israel has continued to be ruled by mental deviants: terrorists, liars, and murderers. Name one instance in the past 50+ years where an Arab nation has sought to increase its territory militarily? I can think of only two instances. The Iran and Iraq war and, to a lesser extent, the first Iraq war with the USA which had more to do with Kuwait stealing Iraqi oil.


Blogger Unknown said...

A bully is a bully, whether it is a Nazi to a Jew, or a Jew to a Palestinian. Would the people who were persecuted and died during the holocaust be ashamed of the heirs to their suffering?

4:10 PM  
Blogger leah said...

Mark, why do you say genocide is only wrong when it involves people who are Jewish? that is completely false. i guess genocide in Rwanda was not wrong, according to you? or genocide committed by the Japanese on the Chinese, Koreans, and Burmese was not wrong? etc etc.
Do not mistake extremist Zionists for most Israelis and even many Zionists who truly do not want any more violence. I highly doubt that any Israeli, Zionist or other, want to see any Palestinian go "into ovens". You cannot be serious about that!
Then again, let's take the Nazis who were very happy to send the Jews to the ovens in the death camps, including my mother-in-law's eight brothers and sisters, including a newborn baby, and her mother. Or, the Japanese who also threw newborn Chinese babies in the air and used them for target practice, then raped, tortured,and murdered their mothers.
Most Israelis and Jewish people worldwide only want to see peaceful co-existence between the Palestinians and the Israelis. The situation is highly complex as you know and there are extremists on both sides who will do whatever to prevent it from happening.

2:49 PM  

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