Non-dominant Hand Rim Stroke
Terminology is usually "ka". It is really hard to put it in words alone. The key is to not be attached to getting sound at this point. Getting the correct movement is way more critical. Don't force it, don't do the "look how cool I am with my left hand flapping away". It is more of a straight drop: elbow-wrist-ring finger. Your thumb and index finger hang out together, your other 3 fingers provide the weight, the relaxed drop is speed, one of Newton's laws of physics, I believe. After you get the feel of the drop, you want to start minimizing the movement. You will end up playing this stroke with the heel of your hand and outside edge of your hand resting on the drum, you will hit only the top joint of your ring finger, and everything will be totally relaxed.
Doing this stroke on the drum rim itself will give you the highest sound with harmonic overtones. Moving it down onto the head will give a flatter and lower sound. Happy experimenting.
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